Festive Feasting without the FOMO.

The festive season is upon us and for many of us, that means feasting and frivolity! If you're trying to stick to a diet or healthy eating plan, this time of year can be tough. There are office parties, catch-ups with friends and family, and an endless stream of tempting treats and drinks. It's enough to make even the most disciplined person cave. But don't get your tinsel in a tangle, I've got you covered. Here are some tips on how to survive the festive season's socials without blowing your diet.

Don't Deprive Yourself

The first rule of thumb is not to deprive yourself. If you deny yourself all the things you love, you're likely to end up binging later on. So, allow yourself a little indulgence here and there. Balance is key!

Plan Ahead 

Exercising the morning of any soiree is a great way to help offset the effects of overindulging. By creating a calorie deficit beforehand, you'll reduce the impact of any potential dietary derailment when faced with the festive foods at a party. Vol-au-vent anyone?

If you've been asked to take along a dish, make it a healthy one so you know there will be something there that you can eat. This way you can pick a mix of both saintly and sinful snacks and won't be solely tempted by the unhealthy ones on offer. Plus, your friends and family will be impressed by your commitment to healthy eating!

Drink in Moderation

It's easy to overindulge when alcohol is flowing freely, so pick your poison wisely. Aim for small glasses of wine and don't fall into the 'top up' trap when your glass is already half full. If you're a spirit drinker or a cocktail lover, be wary of the mixer. Some have a lot of sugar in them that will rocket your calorie intake without much effort. Being aware of what you're drinking as well as how much will not only help keep your calorie intake down, but it will also prevent you from making poor food choices when you're feeling tipsy. Hic!

Keep Moving

Everybody loves a dancing queen, and what better way is there than throwing some serious shapes on the dancefloor to burn off those Christmas calories? So go for it and party like it's 1999! You'll have a blast and stay on track with your fitness goals at the same time. Win-win!

The day after the night before

When reality bites the morning after, the temptation to stay on the sofa, watching the telly and nursing a never-ending cup of tea is strong. But don't give in! Getting up and gently active will help to relieve any feelings of bloating, plus it'll help burn off any residual alcohol from the night before. A walk in the park with the dog or a gentle cycle are all great ways to get your blood flowing and banish that hangover.

The festive season doesn't have to be a minefield if you're trying to eat healthily or stick to a diet plan. By following these simple guidelines and planning ahead, you can afford to be a little bit naughty but mostly nice and still stay on track with your healthy eating plan, and maybe, next year's resolution to get fit will feel more manageable.

In the meantime, glam up, go forth, and party on. The dance floor is waiting!

Wishing you a happy and healthy Christmas!


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